lend to基本解释
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- The federal reserve can still lend to banks and to foreign central banks via swap lines .
- 联邦储备局现在仍然可以通过互换额度向本国银行和外国央行提供贷款。
- At his bank the local manager will use his own judgment in deciding whether to lend to people and businesses .
- 而在他的银行,地方经理将有权根据自己的判断决定是否贷款给个人或是企业。
- Nor will they persuade the markets to lend to banks where solvency or credit quality is in doubt .
- 这种做法也无法说服市场把钱借给那些在偿付能力或信贷质量上存在疑问的银行。
- The commercial banking market is still dominated by the large state-owned banks and analysts say that these banks still prefer to lend to other large soes .
- 商业银行业市场仍由大型国有银行所主宰,分析师们表示,这些银行还是愿意把钱借给其他大型国企。
- Euro-zone policy makers have already given up hope of using the efsf directly to lend to italy .
- 对于利用efsf直接贷款给意大利,欧元区政策制定者早已不抱希望。
- This special report will explain why china will continue to lend to america and why the yuan is unlikely to become a reserve currency soon .
- 本期特别报道将就中国为什么会继续贷款给美国,为什么人民币不可能短期内变成储备货币的问题进行阐述。
- Indian banks have remained reluctant to lend to each other despite recent steps to boost liquidity .
- 尽管近期采取了一些提高流动性的举措,但印度的银行仍不愿彼此放贷。
- Which of them would you lend to ?
- 哪类人你才肯借钱给他们?
- The imf suggested creating a fund to lend to troubled eurozone members .
- imf提议成立一只基金向陷入困境的欧元区成员国提供贷款。
- But the overwhelming reason why banks are loth to lend to zimbabwe is that mr mugabe 's reckless policies especially the confiscation of white-owned farms have entirely destroyed zimbabwe 's creditworthiness .
- 但银行不喜欢借贷给津巴布韦的主要原因是穆加贝的鲁莽政策,特别是没收白人拥有的农场,这些政策完全毁掉了津巴布韦的信誉资格。
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