phablet 基本解释
phablet 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Handset makers scurry to join the year of the phablet [ reuters ]
- 中兴、华为加入大屏智能平板手机大战路透社
- Word lovers organized by the american dialect society earlier this month voted ' phablet ' into a virtual tie as the ' least likely to succeed ' word of the year .
- 由美国方言协会(americandialectsociety)组织的文字爱好者本月早些时候将“平板手机”选为本年度“留存可能性最小”词语的并列冠军。
- This still strikes us as perhaps being too accommodating of the phablet trend , but it 's hard to argue with the millions of people who have already bought in .
- 也许对手机平板化趋势的包容性让我们很是震惊,但很难否认已经有数百万人们这样做了。(备注1)
- There could be a go-to " flagship " device and a " phablet " version with a 5-plus inch screen , to start .
- 三星可以先发布一款“旗舰”手机和一款配备5英寸以上屏幕的“平板手机”切入市场。
- We expect an increase on the iphone 5 's 4 " display but are not anticipating a ' phablet ' - style iphone . "
- 我们预计iPhone的屏幕尺寸将有所放大,但不大可能像三星的平板智能手机那么大。”