Philippi 基本解释
Philippi 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Why does apostle paul thank god for the saints at philippi .
- 使徒保罗为什因著腓立比的圣徒感谢神。
- Paul and timothy , servants of christ jesus , to all the saints in christ jesus at philippi , together with the overseers and deacons .
- 基督耶稣的仆人保禄和弟茂德,致书给斐理伯的众位在基督耶稣内的圣徒、监督及执事。
- Mr. fox was devastated by the implosion of bear stearns and the financial hit he was likely to face , says fred philippi , his longtime companion .
- 根据他的终生伴侣fredphilippi的说法,fox先生是被贝尔斯登的倒闭和他可能面对的财务损失所压跨的。
- Trial in market place at philippi .
- 在腓立比的集市受审。
- Paul 's painful experience in philippi .
- 保罗在腓立比的痛苦经验.
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