英['mɑdərɪtɪd] 美[ˈmɑːdəreɪtɪd]
v. (使)减轻[缓和],节制(moderate的过去式和过去分词);审核评分(查看不同阅卷人所打分数是否公平一致)
moderated 基本解释
v. (使)减轻[缓和],节制( moderate的过去式和过去分词 );审核评分(查看不同阅卷人所打分数是否公平一致)
moderated 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mildly expansionary policies carry little risk now that inflation has moderated but are less effective in these circumstances .
- 由于通胀已经放缓,适度扩张政策没有多少风险,但在这些形势下效果有限。
- Real wages have continued to increase rapidly but since productivity increases have moderated recently , unit labor costs have started to rise .
- 中国的实际工资水平在继续迅速提高,但由于劳动生产率的增速近来已经放缓,中国的单位劳动成本开始上升。
- Iron ore demand has moderated as export-led growth in asia adjusts to the slowdown in developed economies , but underlying demand is still strong .
- 随着亚洲国家调整出口拉动型增长模式以适应发达经济体的放缓,铁矿石需求有所放缓,但基本需求仍很强劲。
- But wages also don 't plummet , which may be why unions that used to oppose buy-outs have moderated their criticisms .
- 但是,工资下降的幅度也不大,这也解释了为什么那些过去总是坚决反对收购的工会现在态度却较为缓和。
- Mr tsipras has moderated his own anti-bail-out rhetoric as his party has gained in the polls , no longer threatening to nationalise the banking system or suspend payments on the country 's debt if he comes to power .
- 随着其党派在民调中频频得分,齐普拉斯已经缓和了他本人的反援助措辞,不再威胁如果他上台就要将银行系统国有化或暂停支付国家债务。
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