Pharos 基本解释
Pharos 变化形式
易混淆的单词: PHAROS
Pharos 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It belonged to a pharos daughter .
- 属于一个法老的女儿.
- In the land of pharos and kings they said egypt could never be humbled .
- 在法老及王者之地,人称埃及,是无法使其低头的。
- The design and reality of new remote control and remote sense pharos .
- 新型远程遥控遥测航标灯的设计与实现。
- The dynasty 's greatest legacy was alexandria itself , with its hundred-foot-wide main avenue , its gleaming limestone colonnades , its harborside palaces and temples overseen by a towering lighthouse , one of the seven wonders of the ancient world , on the island of pharos .
- 托勒密王朝留给世人最伟大的遗产便是亚历山卓,当时的亚历山卓街道宽阔,石灰岩柱廊闪闪发光,海边建造了雄伟的宫殿和庙宇,法罗斯岛(pharos)上矗立着被称之为古代七大奇迹之一的灯塔。