necro 基本解释
abbr. (Latin prefix—corpse or dead) (拉丁文前缀)尸体或死者
necro 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Necro this shaolan career than this career much better .
- 比起死灵这个烧蓝的职业这个职业要好太多了。
- Isolated limb perfusion with tumor necro .
- 经单个肢体灌注肿瘤坏死因子.
- Necro really invincible you think , ah , every profession has lost the division .
- 你以为死灵真无敌了啊,每个职业都有输的时分。
- Necro is also good , but is half the calls you like to watch or to play a monster like yourself play ?
- 死灵也不错但是等于半个召唤你是喜欢看怪物玩还是喜欢自己玩?
- Necro has a good technique , applied suction strange nicholas , and forget what is called .
- 死灵有个技艺不错,应用尼古拉斯吸怪的,遗忘叫什了。
刘毅词汇10000(台湾原版)那些涤荡灵魂的英语诗歌老友记第七季书虫1级 恋爱中的幽灵2010年空中英语教室9月儿子与情人