Notre 基本解释
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- A few years back notre dame underwent the same embarrassment .
- 几年前在巴黎圣母院也发生过类似丑闻。
- I have been working in a trading company ever since I graduated from the university of notre dame .
- 我自圣母大学毕业后就在一家贸易公司工作。
- And a medal : best entertainer , 1949 , camp notre dame .
- 还有一个最佳艺人奖奖章,是1949在campnotredame获得的。
- To try the idea out , the team secured an office and plonked some servers in it , linked to the notre dame campus computer pool used for big calculations .
- 为了实现这一想法,他的团队弄了一间办公室,架设了一些服务器,然后将服务器连到诺特丹校园网上用来做大规模计算。
- Notre dame de paris , to the narration of architecture art , is one of the reasons why the novel succeeds .
- 《巴黎圣母院》对建筑艺术的叙述,是小说成功的原因之一。
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