英[ ˌprəʊkriˈeɪʃn ] 美[ˈproʊkriˈeɪʃən]
n. 生殖;生产
procreation 基本解释
family of procreation
再生家庭 ; 生育家庭
procreation age
procreation 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The suggestion of dr hatemi and dr mcdermott is that political action is the collective expression of some pretty primal biological motives : those of survival and procreation .
- 哈特米博士和德默特博士认为,政治行为是一些很原始的生物性动机的集中表达:那些生存和繁衍的原始生物动机。
- The compromise position that the church adopted was that sex was proper as long as it was oriented toward its proper function , which , the church held , was procreation within marriage .
- 教会找到了妥协的方式,它认定只要是以其正当功能为目的的例如凡是婚姻内以繁衍后代为目的的,这种性行为是被认可的。
- And where tombstones might stand , declaring pious hope for some god 's mercy in the afterlife , their cemetery sports instead a vigorous forest of phallic symbols , signaling an intense interest in the pleasures or utility of procreation .
- 墓石树立,告示着一些对于来世寄于上帝的不切实际的愿望,他们的墓地活动由这些丛林的性器表征代替,意味着那时候人们对于生殖生产的效用重视和浓厚的兴趣。
- This should , in effect , drive down the cost of procreation and , by the logic of the marketplace , increase its appeal .
- 实际上,这应该降低了生育成本通过市场的逻辑,增强其吸引力。
- So if nasa is looking to avoid any complications that would come with astronaut procreation , dr. joseph suggests sending two separate spacecrafts -- one containing only males and one containing only females -- or sending only married couples to mars .
- 所以约瑟夫博士建议,如果nasa决心规避宇航员生殖可能带来的任何麻烦,不如发送两艘宇宙飞船一艘只载男宇航员,一艘只载女宇航员或者只把已婚夫妇送到火星上去。