英[未编] 美[noʊv]
abbr. 十一月(November)
Nov 基本解释
Nov 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The perfomances start nov 17 .
- 演唱会在11月17日开始。
- 2004 ( Nov ) have done some cycling over the summer but to be honest not that much .
- 2004年11月,在夏天里也骑了一些路,但老实说不多。
- A us court has set google and publishing groups a deadline of nov 9 to submit a revised agreement for the google books project .
- 美国法院已经给google和出版商团体设置11月9日的最后期限来提交google图书项目的一个改进协议。
- The very first colour tv broadcasts started in 1967 on bbc two , followed in nov 1969 by colour transmissions on bbc one and itv .
- 最早的彩色电视广播在1967年始于bbc二台,bbc一台和独立电视台紧跟其后,在1969年11月也开始广播。
- The cpi rises should moderate in nov and dec due to the base effects as well as the government 's strengthened efforts on containing food prices , but are likely to stay at a high level of around 4.0 % year-on-year .
- 由于基数效应的影响,以及政府加强抑制食品价格的措施,cpi涨势应该会在11月和12月放缓,但年比增长率仍会处于4%左右的高水平。
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