protestor 基本解释
protestor 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- An anti-government protestor reacts during a demonstration , april 14 , 2011 .
- 一个反政府抗议者在游行中反应激烈,2011。
- Japanese branded products , including numerous cars ( and even a camera belonging to a protestor ) were attacked and destroyed by the angry crowds .
- 贴着日本牌子的产品,包括许多汽车(乃至于抗议者自己的一个照相机)都受到了狂怒的示威人群的攻击毁坏。
- But while purging this rottenness from the system may make for provocative protestor placards , letting the banks fail was not an option in 2008 and it is still not an option today .
- 然而,尽管清除金融体系中的这些“毒瘤”很适合作为抗议者们火药味十足的标语,但听任银行倒闭是万万不行的,在2008年是如此,如今同样如此。
- The launch of the work was briefly disrupted by a protestor who climbed on to the plinth carrying a banner saying " save the children . Ban tobacco and actors smoking " .
- 一位示威者暂时打断了展示的启动仪式,他爬上基座,高举横幅,上面写着“救救孩子!禁止烟草贸易!禁止演员吸烟!”。
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