provided that基本解释
1. 假如,若是
2. 如果,只要
3. 惟前提是
4. 除非,表示进一步规定
5. 倘若
6. 如果
provided that的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Most of them will accept moderately higher tax rates provided that spending cuts and the total savings package are big enough .
- 大多数商界领袖都愿意接受适当的增税,只要减支幅度够大、开支节省方案规模够大。
- The doj agreed not to prosecute jpmorgan for bid rigging provided that it satisfies its obligations under the agreement including continued co-operation with the doj 's antitrust investigation .
- 美国司法部同意,只要摩根大通根据和解协议履行其义务,包括继续配合司法部的反垄断调查,那么它就不会以操纵投标为由起诉摩根大通。
- Declining gdp would not in itself be much of a worry provided that output per person continued to rise .
- 对日本自身而言,倘若人均产出在持续增长,那么gdp的下降也并不是那样地让人担心。
- Whether or not free will is an accident is not important provided that free will exists .
- 假如自由意志存在,那么它是否有意产生的并不重要。
- Provided that rules of court may make provision .
- 但法院规则可就下列各项作出规定。
- Provided that no person shall be punished twice for the same act or omission .
- 但任何人不得因同一作为或不作为而被惩处两次。
- Provided that if at any meeting the chairman is absent there shall preside either .
- 但如在任何会议主席缺席,则由下述成员主持会议。
- Big data can play a big role in supporting care provided that we start creating truly big data and stop trying to apply small data thinking to the process .
- 如果我们在处理过程中摒弃小数据思维,并开始建立真正的大数据,那么大数据在医疗支持中将会发挥更加巨大的作用。
- Members may but shall not be obliged to implement in their law more extensive protection than is required by this agreement provided that such protection does not contravene the provisions of this agreement .
- 成员可在其域内法中,规定宽于本协议要求的保护,只要其不违反本协议,但成员亦无义务非作这类规定不可。
- Provided that he shall not be so confined for more than 7 days without his consent .
- 但未经该被羁留者同意,不得将他如此拘禁超过7天。
provided that 相邻词汇
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