英[ˈprɒvɪdəns] 美['prɑːvɪdəns]
n. 天意;天命;远见;卓识;先见之明
Providence 基本解释
providence 上帝,神,苍天
习语 n. tempt fate/providence 玩命;冒险;鲁莽 to do sth too confidently in a way that might mean that your good luck will come to an end
luck chance coincidence accident fortune fate destiny providence These are all words for things that happen or the force that causes them to happen. 以上各词均指机遇、命运、运气。 luck the force that causes good or bad things to happen to people 指机遇、命运、运气: This ring has always brought me good luck. 这戒指总是给我带来好运。 chance the way that some things happen without any cause that you can see or understand 指偶然、碰巧、意外: The results could simply be due to chance. 这结果可能纯属意外。 coincidence the fact of two things happening at the same time by chance, in a surprising way 指出人意料的巧合、巧事: They met through a series of strange coincidences. 他们因一连串奇妙的巧合而相遇。 accident something that happens unexpectedly and is not planned in advance 指意外、偶然的事: Their early arrival was just an accident. 他们早到仅仅是偶然而已。 fortune ( rather formal ) luck or chance, especially in the way it affects people's lives 尤指影响人生的机会、运气: For once, fortune was on our side: the sun shone that day. 只有那次我们运气好,那一天阳光普照。 fate the power that is believed to control everything that happens and that cannot be stopped or changed 指命运、天数、定数、天意: Fate decreed that she would never reach America. 命中注定她永远到不了美国。 destiny the power that is believed to control events 指主宰事物的力量、命运之神: I believe there's some force guiding us─call it God, destiny or fate. 我总认为有某种力量在指引着我们——叫它上帝也罢,天意也罢,还是命运也罢。 providence ( formal ) God, or a force that some people believe controls our lives and the things that happen to us, usually in a way that protects us 指上帝、苍天、天佑: He trusted in divine providence. 他相信上苍。 用fate、destiny还是providence? Providence is usually seen as being kind: even when it sends suffering, this is accepted as being part of God's plan. Fate can be kind, but this is an unexpected gift; just as often, fate is cruel and makes people feel helple
Providence 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He would trust to providence and his high sense of duty .
- 他相信普罗维登斯以及自己的高度责任感。
- Another favourite term was " providence " - a word often used by freemasons , a movement of which washington was an active member .
- 另外一个他非常喜欢的词是“天命”,共济会经常使用这个词,华盛顿是这个组织的一名积极成员。
- Providence , like many cities and states , is in a woeful condition .
- 普罗维登斯与其它很多州和市一样,境况非常糟糕。
- Schools in boston , providence and other cities announced they would be closed friday .
- 波士顿和普罗维登斯(providence)等城市的学校周五将关闭。
- Providence is not the only city in the state contemplating such moves .
- 在罗德岛,普罗维登斯不是唯一在考虑这样做的城市。
背诵为王第三册新东方赵丽8000词汇串讲人教版小学英语五年级下册(新起点)美文欣赏瑞奇宝宝第一季CNN Student news 2012年02月