on call基本解释
adj. 随叫随到的,待命的
1. 随时待命
2. 即期,见票即付
3. 即期支付的
4. 随时可支付的
5. 随时可供使用的
6. 随时候召
on call的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I 'll see who 's on call .
- 我看是谁打的电话。
- If you wanna live on call 999 .
- 如果您在电话999想要居住。
- Most companies assumed their employees were forever on call .
- 多数企业都认为员工无论何时都随叫随到。
- So are you working this weekend on call ?
- 那你这个周末还要待命工作吗?
- I have a messenger on call .
- 我叫人给你送过去。
- Acupuncture can also help but you 'll have to arrange ahead of time to have a therapist on call when you go into labor .
- 针灸也可能会有帮助,但需要在进入临产时,提前电话预约好治疗师。
- At least miranda will be in miami so we don 't have to be on call this weekend .
- 至少米兰达会在迈阿密,这个周末不会接到电话了。
- Escalate unresolved calls to the appropriate support resource and follow up on call resolution .
- 对于逐步上升的未能解决的电话给予适当的支持,并且一直跟踪解决电话问题。
- I 'm surprised to see you here.you on call tonight ?
- 在这里见到你我很意外你今晚值班?
- Page the trauma surgeon on call .
- 呼叫待命的外伤科医生。
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