on condition that
phr. 如果
on condition that基本解释
1. 假如
2. 只要
3. 条件是
4. 如果
on condition that的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- John will go on condition that mary is invited too .
- 约翰愿意去,条件是玛丽也得到邀请。
- The united states agreed to this on condition that any re-entry talks took into account the regional block 's pro-democracy principles .
- 如果任何重新加入的谈判能重视到区域阻滞支持民主原则,美国认可这一决定。
- China let in the foreign carmakers but on condition that they worked with local partners .
- 中国则允许外国汽车制造商进入,但条件是他们必须与本国汽车制造商合伙经营。
- Karzai who will soon head to an international conference on afghanistan in bonn to seek financial support from foreign donors ordered gulnaz to be released on condition that she and her attacker agree to mediation .
- 卡尔扎伊不久将在波恩主持一场关于阿富汗的国际会议,旨在寻求西方捐助者的经济支持,他授令,只要gulnaz同意和那位施暴者调解,就将gulnaz无罪释放。
- You can travel by air on condition that your blood pressure is stable .
- 在血压稳定的条件下你可以乘飞机旅行。
- They spoke on condition that their names would not be used in the article .
- 他们说出来的条件是他们的名字不会出现在文章里。
- Article 17 collective economic organizations have decision-making power in conducting independent economic activities on condition that they abide by the relevant laws .
- 第十七条集体经济组织在遵守有关法律的前提下,有独立进行经济活动的自主权。
- Important comment : thalys may suspend its regularity contact if there are considerable extended disturbances to traffic on condition that passengers have been notified of the delays prior to their departure .
- 注意:在旅客被告知下车前会出现延误的情况下,如果出现长时间的大规模交通干扰,西北高速列车可能会终止如上规定的条款。
- State enterprises have decision-making power with regard to operation and management within the limits prescribed by law on condition that they submit to unified leadership by the state and fulfil all their obligations under t
- 国营企业在服从国家的统一领导和全面完成国家计划的前提下,在法律规定的范围内,有经营管理的自主权。
- The arbitrators shall submit the draft arbitral award to the arbitration commission before signing the award . The arbitration commission may remind the arbitrator of any issue related to the form of the arbitral award on condition that
- 仲裁员应在签署裁决前将裁决书草案提交仲裁委员会。在不影响仲裁员独立裁决的情况下,仲裁委员会可以就裁决书的形式问题提请仲裁员注意。
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