on sale
on sale基本解释
有售, 上市;廉价出售
1. 出售,上市
2. 降价出售
3. 打折
4. 大减价
5. 出售,廉价出售
6. 削价出售 打折
7. 减价
8. 削价出售
9. 出售,贱卖
10. 降价
on sale的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In some countries it is in effect on sale .
- 在某些国家的确如此,实际上是可以出售的。
- The z10 went on sale in britain on january 31st .
- 1月31日,z10已经在英国出售。
- In lahore pakistan bin laden cologne was on sale in march 2004 .
- 2004年3月,巴基斯坦城市拉哈尔,本拉登香水正在出售。
- Mr shadrake 's book would have been an exception were it widely on sale .
- shadrake先生的书是一个例外,并且其书得以广泛的出售。
- The only difference was that pictures of screaming popes rather than eurobonds were on sale .
- 唯一的区别是,他们出售的是号叫的教皇的画像,而不是欧元债券。
- Foreign films are on sale only in a back room .
- 外国影片的销售只在一间密室里进行。
- The book is on sale today .
- 这本书今天大减价。
- I bought this sweater on sale .
- 我买了这件特价毛衣。
- Is the apple on sale ?
- 这些苹果降价卖吗?
- It is due to go on sale around the world on december 1 .
- 该饮料预定于12月1日起在全世界发售。
on sale 相邻词汇
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