on the spot基本解释
1. 实地
2. 现场
3. 在现场,当场
4. 当场,在现场
5. 在场,马上
6. 就地
7. 在现场
8. 在场
9. 立即
10. 马上
on the spot的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You 'll never know unless you ask the interviewer on the spot .
- 除非你当场向面试官问个清楚,否则永远不会知道。
- Enraged by the response the farmer was tempted to fire him on the spot .
- 农场主被他的回答激怒了,气得真想当场把他解雇。
- Three died on the spot while eight more died later a local hospital according to the state-run xinhua news agency .
- 据新华社报道,三人当场死亡,另有八人在当地一家医院抢救无效死亡。
- When someone lies and looks for you to buy into the information they usually want you to agree on the spot .
- 要是某人向你撒了个慌来骗你的钱财的话,他们就是要让你当场就相信这个谎言。
- Foreseeing a catastrophe ahead the risk officer proposes shutting down the mortgage business but his boss threatens to sack him on the spot .
- 首席风险官预见到未来的倒闭风险,建议叫停抵押贷款业务,但他的老板以当场炒他鱿鱼相要挟。
- It 's like writing an album on the spot .
- 这就像在现场创作出整整一张专辑。
- It will be a hand-held device that reads barcodes on the spot .
- 这是一个可以在现场读取条码的便携式工具。
- Shareholders are typically too dispersed to monitor the men on the spot .
- 通常来说,股东都是十分分散的,难以做到现场监督。
- At the demonstration on august 6th some foreign reporters were roughed up and detained on the spot for an hour .
- 在8月6日的游行中,有些外国记者在现场被滞留并被粗暴对待近一个小时。
- When be investigated on the spot he discovered a good land .
- 在实地调查时,他发现了一块好地。
on the spot 相邻词汇
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