out of the blue基本解释
1. 出乎意料地
2. 始料不及地
3. 出乎意料的
4. 从天上掉下来
5. 睛天霹雳
6. 晴天霹雳
7. 突然地
8. 晴天霹雳地
out of the blue的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This finding does not come out of the blue .
- 这个结果并不意外。
- I 'm pregnant jessica declared out of the blue in a paris cafe .
- 当时我们正坐在巴黎的一家咖啡馆里,她突然说了句:“我怀孕了。”
- Although the only times when india and pakistan have come close to peace have been during the brief periods of democratic rule in islamabad new delhi has played no small role in helping musharraf gain legitimacy from the time it invited him out
- 虽然只有在印巴之间趋于和平的那段时间里,伊斯兰堡有了短暂的民主,但是从印度将穆沙拉夫带出阴霾力邀其参加2001年和平峰会之日起,新德里在帮助穆沙拉夫取得合法权力地位的过程中已不再是小角色。
- But one day about three months or so ago out of the blue it seemed - this quiet inner voice began speaking to us .
- 但是大约三个月前的一天,一个源自内心的微弱的声音开始对我们诉说,突如其来。
- And then one day it just seemed to hit me right out of the blue : I had too much stuff !
- 然而有一天,一个念头突然将我拉出沮丧:我的东西实在太多了!
- They wrote and offered me a job out of the blue .
- 他们突然写信给我并同意为我提供工作。
- If you 're writing to someone out of the blue don 't give them your life story before you make a request .
- 如果你很突然地给别人写邮件,不要在说出你的请求之前扯一大堆关于你人生故事的如何悲惨的话。
- Not nice to disappear out of the blue .
- 不漂亮的蓝色消失了。
- Her husband appeared out of the blue .
- 她的丈夫出乎意料地来了。
- Forgive me for writing out of the blue .
- 请原谅我没有用蓝笔写。
out of the blue 相邻词汇
out of a clear sky是什么意思out of the hole是什么意思out of the ordinary是什么意思out of temper是什么意思out of style是什么意思