Param 基本解释
Param 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Leave the JSF expression { param . empno } as the primary key value .
- 使用JSF表达式(param.empno)作为主关键字的值。
- The classes param is a comma-separated list of all classes that are annotated with DWR annotations .
- classes参数是一个以逗号分隔的列表,它由带有DWR注释的所有类组成。
- Here , param is a pointer to a structure representing scheduling priority .
- 在此,param是指向描述调度优先级结构体的指针。
- The parameter target_thread indicates the thread whose priority is to be changed ; param indicates the priority .
- 参数target_thread告知线程要修改谁的优先级;param指定了优先级。
- Suppose the doSomething () method wants to make a defensive copy of the param argument on entry ?
- 假设doSomething()方法希望复制输入的param参数,会怎么样呢?
GRE红宝书2005洪恩环境英语第一册书虫3级 伊桑·弗罗姆商务英语职场王商务英语谈判对话中级美语教程