adj. 娱乐的,消遣的
recreational 基本解释
recreational 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In contrast new recreational drugs are proliferating .
- 相比之下,新消遣性毒品就如雨后春笋。
- Quite possibly many would like a 21st century maslow 's hierarchy of human needs with an additional need at the apex : recreational drugs .
- 很可能许多人会喜欢21世纪的马斯洛(maslow)人类需求层次论,在顶点再加上一个需求:消遣性毒品。
- If central park were privately owned it would be advantageous to provide recreational spaces .
- 如果中央公园划归私有,就有可能变成人们娱乐消遣的场所。
- And very close by there is an everyday pub , outside of which on a friday night young men deal in ecstasy tablets and other recreational drugs .
- 旁边不远处是一家每天营业的酒吧,周五夜间,年轻人会在酒吧外交易摇头丸和其它消遣性毒品。
- The dissident groups , who are small but deadly , hope some of the teenagers will take the traditional route of graduating from recreational rioting to fully-fledged terrorism .
- 这些反对派人数不多却足以致命,他们希望一些青少年能按照传统路线走,从参加“消遣暴乱”发展成为正式的恐怖分子。
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