pass off基本解释
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- Allow him to pass off your triumphs as his own .
- 让他把你的成功当成是自己的。
- But if they learnt anything from 2012 they will resist the temptation to pass off empty ultimatums as forceful foreign policy .
- 但如果他们从2012年汲取了教训的话,他们将努力克制住自己,不再把虚张声势的最后通牒当成一种强大的外交政策手段。
- That one you pass off as yourself .
- 填出的是冒充你自己的一个人。
- Curse me for not being able to pass off as a guy .
- 诅咒不能够通过我作为一个人了。
- Companies are registering eco-trademarks to prevent competitors from copying branding symbols or attempting to pass off their products as those of others .
- 企业正在注册生态商标,以阻止竞争对手拷贝品牌符号或假冒其它公司产品。
- A subprime lender who misled a borrower into taking unwise risks could pass off the financial instruments to other parties remote from the original transaction .
- 一家误导贷款者承担起不明智风险的次贷放款机构,可以将这种金融工具转嫁给与最初交易毫不相干的其他方。
- Where I 'll pass off your little gizmo as my own .
- 在那里我把你的小发明冒认是我的。
- Shady exporters are furious about the regulations he adds because they make it more difficult for them to pass off copies as authentic artifacts and prices have nose-dived .
- 他又说,阴险的出口商对此规则大为愤怒,因为规则使他们以复制品冒充正宗工艺品更难,并且价格也暴跌。
- Organisers were hopeful the screening would pass off without incident although sources involved in promoting the film in japan said they could not rule out disruption by extreme right-wing organisations .
- 主办方乐观认为影片能够顺利无阻地上映,不过推动影片在日本上映的一些消息人士说,他们不排除极右翼组织捣乱的可能性。
- Besides hong kong company reasonable avoid outside duty off shore company can open bank account in hong kong some enterprises pass off shore to run farther reasonable avoid duty .
- 除喷鼻港公司合理避税外,离岸公司在喷鼻港可以开立银行帐户,有些企业经由离岸运作,进一步合理避税。
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