pay off
美[ˈpeɪ ɔːf]
phr. 付清;取得成功;贿赂;报复
pay off基本解释
pay off的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Pay off your credit cards every month .
- 记得每月还清你的信用卡。
- Pay off all consumer debt before you start paying down the house .
- 在你开始分期还款前,先还清你所有的消费债务。
- Put simply portugal must generate enough long-term economic growth to pay off its large debts .
- 简单来说,葡萄牙必须实现足够的长期经济增长,才能还清大量债务。
- Relatively few fail to pay off their monthly credit card balance lest they pay high interest charges .
- 每月不还清信用卡余额的人相对较少,因为人们不愿支付高额的利息费。
- Many pay large fees to labour agencies which mean they have to work for months to pay off their debts .
- 他们中许多人向劳务机构支付了大笔费用,这意味着他们必须干上好几个月才能还清债务。
- They pay off their credit card debt so they can move on .
- 他们会付清信用卡债务,以便开始新的生活。
- Your efforts will pay off .
- 你的努力会有回报的。
- Long-term stock investments can pay off .
- 长期的股票投资能有所回报。
- Many people use the money to pay off their debts ; some go on a spending spree .
- 有的人用这些钱付清了债务;有的人则一头扎进了消费热潮中。
- They must pay off their creditors .
- 他们必须偿还他们债权人的债务。
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