Rhodesia 基本解释
Rhodesia 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- At independence from britain , zambia ( previously northern rhodesia ) was among africa 's richest countries .
- 从英国独立出来后,赞比亚(旧称北罗德西亚)曾经是非洲最富有的国家之一。
- She opposed democratic elections in india and supported white supremacist rule in rhodesia .
- 她反对印度的民主选举,并支持罗得西亚(rhodesia)白人至上主义者的统治。
- History is littered with failed oil embargoes , ranging from cuba , rhodesia and south africa to the embargo against iraq after 1990 .
- 历史上发生过很多次失败的石油禁运,从古巴、罗德西亚、南非,到1990年后针对伊拉克的石油禁运莫不如此。
- However , some countries , such as rhodesia ( now zimbabwe ) , malta and fiji , used already existing portraits .
- 然而,诸如罗德西亚(现称津巴布韦)、马耳他和斐济等国,使用了现有肖像。
- In 1925 , lured by the promise of getting rich through maize farming , the family moved to the british colony in southern rhodesia ( now zimbabwe ) .
- 1925年,受到种植玉米快速致富消息的诱惑,一家人搬到了位于南罗德西亚(现津巴布韦)的英属殖民地。
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