roc 基本解释
roc 变化形式
易混淆的单词: RocRoCROCrOC
roc 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Personnel dispatched to the roc by foreign governments and their dependants and entourage .
- 二外国政府派驻我国之人员及其眷属、随从。
- Roc analysis was made basing on clinic outcomes .
- 根据临床转归结果分组进行roc分析。
- If you want to fly far away like a roc , first you should accumulate and perfect yourself .
- 如果你想象大鹏鸟一样展翅高飞,就要不断的完善和积累你自己。
- Paraguay scored four consecutive world cup , former south american underdog now been completely transformed roc , beyond has won two world cup champion uruguay , south america , among the top three ranks .
- 巴拉圭队连续四届打进世界杯,昔日南美弱旅如今已经彻底鲲鹏转化,超越曾夺得过两次世界杯冠军的乌拉圭队,跻身南美三强行列。
- Proceedings of roc computational linguistics workshop .
- 中华民国计算语言学研讨会论文集。