Rutgers 基本解释
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- Hill spoke at the session on the science of kissing , along with helen fisher of rutgers university and donald lateiner of ohio wesleyan university .
- 希尔在研讨会的“接吻科学”会议上作了发言,同时发言的还有罗格斯大学的海伦?费舍尔和俄亥俄州卫斯理大学的唐纳德?
- Go for mcclane . What are you doing at rutgers ?
- 我是迈克兰你在拉特格斯做什么?
- ' I 'm very skeptical that the fed is going to be able to sop up the liquidity in a timely period , ' says john longo , chairman of the investment committee at mde group , a money-management firm for high net worth investors in morristown , n. j. , and a finance professor at rutgers university .
- 位于纽约的针对高净资产投资者的理财公司mdegroup投资委员会主席、罗格斯大学(rutgersuniversity)金融学教授朗戈(johnlongo)说,我非常怀疑,美联储是否能够及时地消化掉流动性。
- In some cases , police are discouraged by local governments from cracking down on prostitution , gambling and loan-sharking , as long as violence isn 't involved , says mr. chin of rutgers .
- 罗格斯大学的陈国霖说,在一些情况下,只要没有发生暴力事件,当地政府都不愿意警方打击打击卖淫嫖娼、赌博和高利贷。
- And some researchers from colombia and rutgers are recently pointed out that there are some areas of basalt offshore the east coast , including off massachusetts going down into new jersey where that could be a specially good reservoir for storing carbon dioxide .
- 来自哥伦比亚和罗格斯的研究人员最近指出一些近海地区拥有大量玄武岩,包括马萨诸塞州到新泽西的近海区域可能是很好的二氧化碳储存地。