Sainsbury 基本解释
Sainsbury 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The government has shown little concern about a potential bid for the supermarket group j. sainsbury by a qatar investment fund .
- 对于一家卡塔尔投资基金对超市集团j.sainsbury的潜在收购,英国政府没有表现出多大的关注。
- Sainsbury 's is the seventh-largest clothing retailer by volume ; tesco is one of the country 's leading opticians .
- 以体积算,森斯伯里是第七大服装销售商;特斯克是国内的头号眼镜商之一。
- Sainsbury 's said today there was no risk to customer health from the fake product it had sold .
- 桑斯博里声明现在那些已经售出的假冒产品并不会对消费者的健康产生威胁。
- This was in line with recommendations made by an independent review headed by imelda walsh , human resources director of supermarket chain j. sainsbury .
- 这与超市连锁j.sainsbury人力资源主管伊梅尔达沃尔什(imeldawalsh)所领导的一项独立调查的建议一致。
- For example , sainsbury 's has peperami in the lunchbox section of its website , despite the product containing 44 % fat .
- 例如,塞恩斯伯里公司(sainsbury)在其网站的午餐便当选项中有peperami辣肉肠,尽管它含有44%的脂肪。
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