samsonite 基本解释
samsonite 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Samsonite is pitched toward a lower rung of chinese affluence , and therefore a bigger market .
- 新秀丽针对的是中国一般的有钱人,因此市场较大。
- It is a medium-sized samsonite , and it 's gray .
- 它是一个中型租车灰色绅耐特皮箱。
- Samsonite corporation , the luggage company , is reportedly also considering listing shares in hong kong .
- 皮包公司“新秀丽”(samsonitecorporation)据报道称也在考虑在香港上市。
- Samsonite will begin selling its $ 1 billion ipo to institutional investors on may 30 and is scheduled to list in hong kong on june 16 , people familiar with the situation said .
- 知情人士说,新秀丽规模10亿美元的ipo将于5月30日向机构投资者发售,并于6月16日在香港上市。
- Samsonite has employed cameron silver , owner of decades vintage boutique in los angeles and a spotter of fashion trends , to advise on pieces ready for reinterpretation and updating from the brand 's archive .
- 新秀丽聘用了时尚潮流的敏锐观察者、洛杉矶老牌时装店decades老板卡梅隆西尔弗(cameronsilver),为该品牌中准备进行重新诠释和升级的历史作品出谋划策。