seaway 基本解释
n. 海上航道,船只在海上航行,波涛汹涌的海面;可航区;航路;海路
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- Seaway industrial co. , limited registered information .
- 海路实业有限公司注册信息。
- Seaway logistics ltd , xiamen branch .
- 上海致诚物流有限公司厦门分公司。
- A new seaway through an unfrozen arctic ocean would cut the journey from rotterdam to yokohama via the suez canal by 4700 miles , a saving of 42 % .
- 一条穿越北冰洋的新航线将使从鹿特丹经苏伊士运河到横滨的距离缩短42%,近4700英里。
- The tiny island kingdom produces little oil but is of vital strategic importance in the persian gulf , a seaway that carries 18 % of the world 's oil .
- 巴林一个小小岛国几乎不产石油,但作为控制着世界18%石油量的海道,却在波斯湾有着重要的战略影响力。
- Likewise for the new madrid adjustment , which involve a tearing of the entire n american continent from the seaway down to mexico .
- 同样,对于新马德里调整而言,它包括了整个北美大陆沿着海道一直到墨西哥被撕裂。
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