sephorA 基本解释
sephorA 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Sephora now reports good profits . So does dfs .
- 现在丝芙兰的盈利可观,dfs也一样。
- Early on , sephora 's shops were too big : they looked like supermarkets , which created the wrong mood .
- 早期sephora的商店太大,看上去就像超级市场,造成了坏的情绪。
- Today he lives in shanghai and is president of sephora 's operations in greater china .
- 如今,他生活在上海,担任丝芙兰大中华区总裁。
- Sephora lists a whole bunch more under the " natural " section , but I haven 't tried them in depth yet .
- sephora列出了一个“自然”产品的长长的清单,但我还没有全部都试过。
- Sephora , the cosmetics chain , has created an online community where customers become " make-up experts " and are promoted within the group based on the quality and popularity of their advice .
- 美容产品连锁店丝芙兰(sephora)创办了一个在线社区,顾客们在社区里成为“化妆品专家”,并根据所提建议的质量和欢迎度获得头衔的提升。
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