英[sɪˈkwestə(r)] 美[sɪ'kwestər]
vt. 使..隔绝;隐退;扣押
sequester 基本解释
sequester 变化形式
第三人称单数: sequesters
过去式: sequestered
过去分词: sequestered
现在分词: sequestering
sequester 使分开,使隔离,扣押,没收,强制管理
来自古法语 sequestrer,使分开,使隔离,来自拉丁语 sequestrare,使妥善保管,使安全,来自 sequester,中间的,调解的,引申词义中间人,调解人,受托人,可能来自 sequi,追随,跟随, 词源同 sequence,second.词义演变比较 seconder,支持者,后援者。后引申词义扣押,没收, 强制管理。
sequester 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- At the end of this year george w. bush 's tax cuts expire , and an automatic " sequester " that slashes spending takes effect .
- 到今年年底,乔治w布什的减税政策将到期,一个自动的的“扣押”政策将启动。
- But even if all mr bush 's tax cuts are extended and the sequester is delayed , there is still fiscal tightening equivalent to 1.5 % of gdp in the pipeline .
- 但是,即使布什的减税政策被延长,“扣押”被推后执行,仍有相当于gdp总额1.5%的财政困境有待解决。
- The sequester " will not happen " , mr obama said in the debate , though that decision is not in his gift : the sequester is an automatic sanctionjointly agreed by democrats and republicans in a giant game of fiscal chicken .
- 奥巴马在辩论中说道,资产扣押“不会发生”,然而他并没有决定权:资产扣押是民主党与共和党在谁对财政一窍不通的博弈中,一致通过的自动制裁机制。
- On the fine detail of defence spending mr obama was rather shifty , however , denying any white house involvement in a threatened " sequester " that would impose drastic , automatic cuts on defence and other domestic spending if a deal cannot be agreed with congress on future tax and spending .
- 在国防支出的细节上,奥巴马却含糊其辞,否认白宫参与制定具有威胁的资产扣押政策,资产扣押政策是指如果不能和国会在未来的税收和支出之间达成协议,将会自动大幅削减国防开支和其他国内支出。