set apart基本解释
分开放; 隔离开;留出;突出
1. 使显得突出
2. 金钱等
3. 使分离
4. 留出时间
5. 区别
6. 留开
set apart的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Christians are those that god set apart to be holy .
- 基督徒是被神分别为圣的人.
- His lineup picture was set apart by a different background .
- 队列的照片也按照不同的背景分开。
- Capital is money set apart for purposes of trade .
- 本金就是指为进行贸易、买卖而拨出的专用的钱财。
- You must set apart some money for the future .
- 你必须留出一些钱来以备将来之用。
- For reasons he could not explain he was made to feel different set apart from the other boys .
- 由于某些他无法解释的原因,使他感觉与他的孩子不同。
- Set apart for the lord your god every firstborn male of your herds and flocks .
- 你牛群羊群中头生的,凡是公的,都要分别为圣,归耶和华你的神。
- It is not a time to be complacent thinking that you are set apart or special due to additional knowledge or understanding .
- 这不是自鸣得意的时刻,想想看你们由于额外的知识和理解,而被区别化或者特殊化。
- Know that the lord has set apart the godly for himself ; the lord will hear when I call to him .
- 你们要知道,耶和华已经分别虔诚人归他自己;我求告耶和华,他必听我。
- God sanctified the seventh day to be a special and holy day set apart from the other six .
- 神把第七日分别为圣,作为特别而神圣的日子,和其他六天分别出来。
- And as they were ministering to the lord and fasting the holy spirit said set apart for me now barnabas and saul for the work to which I have called them .
- 他们事奉主,禁食的时候,圣灵说,要为我分别巴拿巴和扫罗,去作我召他们所作的工。
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