set in
v. 开始;到来;上涨;插入;
set in基本解释
v. 开始;到来;上涨;插入
1. 来临,流行
2. 来临
3. 嵌入
4. 流行
5. 涨潮
6. 交
set in的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- After absorbing so many violent upheavals indigestion seems to have set in .
- 在吸纳了这么多的剧烈变化后,它们似乎开始出现了“消化不良”。
- But farther south where the devastation and disorder was much more severe anger set in .
- 但遥远的南部,破坏和混乱要严重得多,愤怒也开始流传。
- The previous largest two-day absolute drop was set in january 1980 .
- 此前最大的两日绝对值跌幅是在1980年1月创下的。
- It should imitate the example that dubai set in december for avoiding default .
- 希腊应该效仿迪拜在去年12月份为避免违约所采取的做法。
- Perhaps that is as it should be for a film set in iraq .
- 也许这是因为它本来就是一部设定在伊拉克的电影。
- The leaders gave themselves 15 years to reach the goalposts set in 2000 .
- 各国领导人给自己15年的时间达成2000年设定的目标。
- The movie is set in pre-war london .
- 这部电影是以战前的伦敦为背景。
- The film was set in 1977 when the only women in a typical western boardroom were serving the coffee . Times have changed .
- 这部电影是以1977年为时代背景,此时在一个普通西方董事会会议室中,仅有的女性是服务咖啡的。
- Values for the task as a whole are set in the root activity .
- 而事实上整个任务使用的值是在根activity中设置的。
- Fittingly the book is set in the large georgian room that is one of the painter 's two studios .
- 相应地,这本书是以他的两个工作室中的一个为背景的乔治王时代艺术风格的大房间。
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