Sheeran 基本解释
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- Josette sheeran , the head of the united nations world food program says that many of the world 's poorest people cannot buy food because of soaring prices .
- 联合国世界粮食计划署负责人约瑟特.施林说,很多世界上最贫困的人都由于飞涨的物价而买不起粮食。
- Ms sheeran said that in response to rising food costs , families in developing countries were moving in some cases from three meals a day to just one , or dropping a diverse diet to rely on one staple food .
- 施林表示,为了应对食品价格不断上涨的局面,某些情况下,发展中国家家庭正将一日三餐变为一餐,或者放弃多样化的饮食,转而依赖一种主要食品。
- " And so what we 're finding is that often energy bidders can outbid food buyers and consumers , and the higher the price of oil is the higher the price the energy producers are willing to pay , " said josette sheeran .
- 施林说:“我们发现,通常能源商提出的价格总是会高于食品购买者和消费者,因此油价越高,能源生产商就越愿意出资付款。”
- The world food programme , whose head josette sheeran took part in a meeting of experts brown called yesterday to discuss the crisis , said a " silent tsunami " threatened to plunge over 100 million people on every continent into hunger .
- 昨天布朗召集专家会议来讨论食品危机,世界粮食计划署主任约塞特-施林在会上说,一场“无声的海啸”可能使各大洲1亿多人陷入饥饿。
- In those cases , insists josette sheeran , head of the wfp , food aid is the only option .
- wfp负责人josettesheeran坚持认为,在上述情况里,食物援助是唯一的选择。