show up
phr. 显现出来
show up基本解释
show up的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He went sailing and did not show up for a long time .
- 他航行去了,而且很长一段时间没有露面。
- That should be the goal for world leaders when they show up in copenhagen .
- 当世界领导人出席哥本哈根峰会时,这应该成为他们的目标。
- So do not expect just to show up .
- 所以别指望只到场就可以了。
- Googlers generally like to have a good time whenever the street view cameras show up .
- 谷歌人通常都很喜欢在街景相机出现得时候搞怪一番。
- In the car park outside they continue their flirtation until the police show up .
- 他们从超市里一直调情到外面的停车场,直到警察出现。
- How long before such changes begin to show up in other parts of society is unclear .
- 至于那些变革还需要多久才能出现在社会的其他地方,我们还不知道。
- But doubtless an excuse for another bear rally will show up before long .
- 但毫无疑问,用不了多久,另一次熊市反弹的理由就会出现。
- These show up as links above the search results .
- 这些在搜索结果上方以链接形式显示。
- What if the police show up ?
- 要是警察来了怎么办?
- Two men show up to help teri identifying themselves as ctu agents .
- 两名男子现身了,声称他们是反恐组的特工,是来帮助泰瑞的。
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