spring up
美[sprɪŋ ʌp]
phr. 迅速出现,突然兴起
spring up基本解释
跳起; 跃起;迅速成长;<非正>突然开始
1. 崛起
2. 雨后春笋般涌现
3. 迅速生长
4. 腾起
5. 突然出现,迅速生长
6. 涌现
7. 兴起
8. 跳起来
9. 发生
10. 萌芽
spring up的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Eg. new official tongues spring up at an increasing rate .
- 新的官方语言日益增长,不断涌现出来。
- Protectionism and xenophobia should be fought wherever they spring up .
- 无论保护主义和排外主义何时出现都应当与之斗争。
- These things will at least keep you busy while you wait for that tip-up flag to spring up .
- 这些东西将至少你忙个不了,而你等待这翻页式旗的春天到了。
- Recently digital tv has spring up and become new generation digital family center .
- 近几年来,数位电视已经慢慢兴起并可能成为新一代的家庭数位中心。
- They did not spring up of themselves .
- 它们并不是自己冒出来的。
- Insert thermostat with spring up into the housing .
- 将有弹簧的节温器插入罩内。
- New churches can spring up easily .
- 新教会很容易争相涌现。
- But even if bitcoin goes away others like it will spring up .
- 但是即使比特币消失了,与它类似的其他货币也会迅速涌现。
- If life can spring up on two planets independently why not on a thousand or even a billion others ?
- 如果生命能够在两颗行星上独立地发生,那么为什么就不能在一千颗甚至是十亿颗其他星球上发生呢?
- If decent lodging is not built fast enough slums may spring up instead .
- 假如合适的寓所建的不够快的话,相反,贫民窟可能涌现。
spring up 相邻词汇
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