stay put
stay put基本解释
1. 停留不走
2. 留在原处
3. 留在原地
4. 待在原地
5. 居
stay put的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Moreover once the particles in the capsules have settled down they stay put .
- 再者,一旦胶囊中的微粒安定下来,它们就呆着不动了。
- On a business trip to america where he is himself owed money he decided to stay put .
- 后来他商务旅行至美国,由于他本身就是那里的债权人,于是他决定留在那了。
- What makes these two very different types of transistor attractive is that both the copper and the aluminium stay put when the power is turned off .
- 这两种完全不同类型的晶体管如此吸引人的地方就在于断电后,如何让铜原子和铝电极待在原地。
- Only when you stay put can you grow roots .
- 只有当你留在原地,根基才有可能壮大。
- Others who want to flee stay put in order to pass on information to the rebels .
- 还有一些想要逃离士兵之所以留下来是为了给反对派通风报信。
- Perhaps it would be best if you just stay put get on with your work and see what happens .
- 也许按兵不动是上策,继续工作,看看会发生什么。
- Some shareholders want him to stay put .
- 一些股东希望他能留任。
- All right you two stay put right there .
- 好吧,你们两个就在那别动。
- Just stay put I 'll be right over .
- 呆在那别动,我这边就好了。
- The more you think about the change as something permanent the more you stay put .
- 你越想持久改变,就越容易停滞不前。
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