ten to one基本解释
1. 十之八九,很可能
2. 十有八九
3. 十比一
4. 很有可能
ten to one的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ten to one he will pass the exam .
- 十之八九他会及格的。
- She has gone online as a man just to survey the terrain and estimates that in her age range women outnumber men ten to one .
- 她在网上假装男人,只是去了解下情况,她估计在她年龄范围内的女性人数是男性的十倍。
- The private libertarian organizations in the united states are probably outnumbered ten to one by communist socialist statist and other left-wing organizations that have shown themselves to be only too effectiv
- 在美国私人自由意志主义组织可能与那些已经证明自己影响力很大的共产主义,社会主义,中央集权,和其他左翼组织相比是以一敌十。
- Ten to one he will fail .
- 他十有八九会失败。
- The odds are ten to one that her horse will win the race .
- 她的马获胜的可能性是十分之一。
- It is ten to one but we 'll overfulfil our production quota .
- 它是十比一,但是我们还会完成生产指标。
- It 's ten to one he will forget about this .
- 他十之八九将会忘记这个.
- It is ten to one but we 'll overfulfil our production .
- 我们十之八九会超额完成生产任务的。
- The chances are ten to one that our team will win .
- 我们队十之八九会赢.
- It is ten to one that he will not come in time .
- 十之八九他不会按时来。
ten to one 相邻词汇
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