teng 基本解释
abbr. Teng Hsiao-ping 邓小平
teng 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mr teng 's path remains very different .
- 滕彪的道路截然不同。
- Tao jingzhou and teng biao represent the yin and yang of china 's justice system .
- 陶景洲和滕彪代表着中国司法体系的阴阳两极。
- Among them were xu zhiyong , a lecturer at beijing university of posts and telecommunications , and teng biao , a lawyer .
- 他们中包括徐智勇,一位来自北京大学邮电统计学专业的讲师,以及律师滕彪。
- Teng fei , given electric shock treatment in china .
- 在中国经历电击治疗的腾飞。
- Teng yue , a retail analyst with euromonitor , says the number of convenience stores in china is expected to grow 11 per cent per annum this year and next , with foreign and local operators planning significant expansion .
- 欧睿的零售业分析师tengyue表示,随着国内外便利店运营商纷纷酝酿大规模扩张,今明两年中国的便利店数量预计将以每年11%的速度保持增长。