therefor 基本解释
therefor 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You will try new things and put yourself in new situations and therefor grow tremendously as a person because you are willing to take more chances in unknown situations .
- 你会去尝试新的事物,会把你自己置于新的环境中,这样你就能快速的成长成人,因为你愿意在陌生的环境中去尝试。
- Article 96 where a collision is caused by the fault of one of the ships involved , the one in fault shall be liable for the damages therefor .
- 第96条碰撞系因于一船舶之过失所致者,由该船舶负损害赔偿责任。
- Article 4 should the casualty accident of passenger and the damage of personal luggage be due to force majeure or the passenger 's self-causation , the railway transportation enterprise shall not be liable therefor .
- 第四条由于不可抗力或者旅客自身原因造成人身伤亡和自带行李损失的,铁路运输企业不承担赔偿责任。
- And you want me to go therefor a week ?
- 现在你让我去那待上一个星期?
- Roz and I have been going therefor years .
- 罗兹与我多年来常去那儿。