think up基本解释
1. 发明,创造
2. 想出,编造
3. 虚构
4. 编造
think up的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They are in short well-placed to think up new ways of doing things .
- 简而言之,他们会设身处地的想出解决问题的方法。
- Let 's think up a fun game to play !
- 我们来想一个好玩的游戏来玩吧!
- To think up a very good idea .
- 想到一个很好的点子。
- I couldn 't think up a good excuse .
- 我想不出合适的借口来。
- You can say and think things from far away that you can 't say and think up close .
- 一些近距离说不出口,想不清楚的事情,离开一些距离你就能够吐露和思考。
- A reporter on tv unable to give up the suspense tries to think up fanciful ways in which john mccain could reach 270 electoral votes .
- 一个电视台的记者,显然不愿意放弃悬念,试图想出各种能让johnmccain获得270张选举团票的方法,从而当选。
- So stay till l think up a wayto make you disappear completely .
- 所以,得等到我想一个让你们完全消失的方法。
- We need to think up a plan .
- 我们需要提出一个计划。
- I just have to think up a new life .
- 我要考虑一个新生活了。
- Have you ever think up such a question ?
- 你曾想过这样的问题吗?
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