Tos 基本解释
abbr. term of service 服务期限;tactical operations system 战术作战系统;taken on strength 编入编制内;track operational surcharge 追踪运作超载
Tos 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- At the salt lake city airport , dennis tos made sure to try to avoid delays and crowds by boarding a redeye flight shortly before midnight .
- 在盐湖城机场,丹尼斯陶斯确保不被延误和拥挤,在午夜之前登上一趟红眼班机。
- For many people . New year 's resolutions can start to feel like a long list of " should dos " and " ought tos " that leave you feeling hopeless .
- 对于很多人来说,新年计划就是一个长长的清单,写满了“需要做的”和“应该做的”,这常常让你感觉实现无望。
- Many of us already track tos changes for major companies by using modified rss feeds , but this eff solution seems like a more reasonable option .
- 很多人已经用rss订阅源来查看大公司服务条款的变化情况,但eff的方案似乎更为合理。
- The purpose of the latin america affairs section is to bridge the gap between obesity professionals in the obesity society ( tos ) in north america and latin america , specifically those interested in research development and collaborations within tos and other regional societies in latin america .
- 拉丁美洲事务处section的目的是促进在北美和拉丁美洲的肥胖协会(tos)专业人士沟通合作,特别是那些在拉丁美洲有兴趣的tos科研人员和其他地区的社会团体之间的沟通和合作。
- The question of data ownership has been a key topic of discussion lately with regard to trusting in the cloud , especially after facebook 's move to revise its tos to include perpetual ownership and right to use any and all content stored or posted to its site .
- 人们讨论是不是该相信云,数据所有权的问题成为其中的核心话题,尤其是最近facebook修改了其服务声明,宣称它拥有数据的永久的所有权,并且有权力使用保存或者发表在该网站上的任何内容。
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