transshipment 基本解释
transshipment 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Some of these transshipment hubs include dubai , singapore , rotterdam , panama and egypt .
- 这些中转地包括都拜、新加坡、鹿特丹港市、巴拿马和埃及。
- The local government claims that the trade is merely " transshipment " , as most of those products do not originate in vietnam .
- 当地政府宣称,这种贸易只不过是一种“转运”,因为大部分货物的来源并不在越南。
- To make further gains , especially in the ultra price-sensitive transshipment market , portugal needs to steer past two obstructions : powerful service providers and unionised workers .
- 为了赚取更大的收益,特别是在对价格极端敏感的转船装运市场上,葡萄牙需要摆脱过去的两个障碍:强势的服务供应商和加入工会的工人。
- U.s. diplomats believe myanmar 's military has extensive knowledge of north korea 's proliferation activities , as pyongyang had used the southeast asian country as a transshipment point for arms going to the middle east and africa .
- 美国外交官相信,缅甸军方对朝鲜核扩散活动知之甚详,因为平壤曾把缅甸当作向中东和非洲运送武器的中转站。
- Singapore is a major refining center and transshipment point for crude oil shipments between markets in east asia and the other oil-rich gulf region .
- 新加坡是世界上一个重要的炼油中心,也是东亚各国与石油资源丰富的海湾国家之间的原油转运点。
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