truffles 基本解释
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- Even white truffles , the prized culinary delicacy , could not escape the slump .
- 即便是食中珍馐松露也难逃贬值的命运。
- Each region boasts divine local specialities try truffles ( black in umbria , white in piedmont ) , asparagus from the veneto and sicilian capers .
- 意大利每个地区都有其特产松露(翁布里亚的黑松露,皮德蒙特高原的白松露),以及威尼托西西里岛的竹笋。
- At london 's fortnum & mason , for example , sparkle-encrusted trees revolve to display a mouth-watering excess of champagne , truffles and other culinary delights .
- 例如,在伦敦的fortnum&mason食品商店,外表闪闪发光的展示树不断旋转,上面挂着令人垂涎的香槟、松露和其它烹饪美味。
- At the moment , the plant imports large blocks of chocolate from across the atlantic to make into its " lindor " truffles , but according to peter breed , the engineering manager at stratham , the operation expects to begin processing its own cocoa beans into chocolate in the first quarter of 2010 .
- 现在,这个工厂横跨大西洋进口大块巧克力,将其制成松露巧克力(lindortruffles),但是据工厂工程师经理peterbreed说2010年首季度有望开始自己处理可可豆制作巧克力。
- Pigs in particular are turned on by truffles .
- 尤其是,猪就是这样被块菌所吸引的。