Tsu 基本解释
Tsu 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The government could have simply lifted the ban without consulting the tsu .
- 政府本可以不经台联而自动消除禁令。
- Oh , and why is this new tsu degree in the college of engineering ?
- 那么,为什么这个tsu工程学院的新学位如此标新立异呢?
- Mr su said he would not let the tsu 's opposition stop him .
- 苏贞昌表示,他不会因为台联的反对而停下脚步。
- The tsu has vehemently opposed the lifting of a six-year-old ban on chip makers investing in china .
- 台联极力反对取消实施了六年之久的禁止芯片制造商在中国投资的禁令。
- The tsu threatened to respond with protest rallies and withdraw its support for the ruling party .
- 台联威胁称,该党将举行抗议集会并收回对执政党的支持。
2010年6月英语四级预测试卷听力英语背诵80篇书虫3级 牙齿和爪子哈哈美语全集听电影学英语:朋友一场儿童英语读物《神奇树屋》第十八册