vagueness 基本解释
vagueness 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mr ma blames the vagueness of the allowance 's purpose .
- 马指责津贴用途含糊不清。
- That sort of lofty vagueness can earn you a reputation for great wisdom if you happen to be a chinese revolutionary leader .
- 如果你凑巧是一位中国革命领导人,那么这种玄妙的含糊就能为你赢得智慧超群的美名。
- His boss has not just made a virtue of fiscal vagueness ; as the election nears , mr romney has seen his poll ratings rise as his tax-and-spending plans become ever-vaguer .
- 他的头领不仅得到财政含糊的优势;随着选举临近,罗姆尼先生的赋税与开支计划甚至变得更加晦涩,他的民意测验支持率因此上升。
- The prime minister 's vagueness means that it is probably overdoing it to suggest that japan is definitively shifting away from its postwar special relationship with the us .
- 鸠山的含糊,意味着那种认为日本已坚决改变其战后与美国之间特殊关系的说法,可能有些过火了。
- The only concession to the government 's ban was an unusual vagueness about where exactly this year 's event would take place : your correspondent bumped through the bush for hours asking directions of passing nomads before arriving just before sunset .
- 对政府禁令唯一的妥协是对今年赛会将会在什么地方进行作了一种不寻常的含糊答复:你的联系人得花好几个小时跌跌撞撞的在荒野中穿行,一边还得询问那些过去的牧民的方向,好赶在日落前到达。