vertu 基本解释
n. 艺术品或古董,爱好古董者;纬图(诺基亚所成立的全球第一家奢侈手机公司)
vertu 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Seal was asked if he employs the vertu 's concierge service .
- 记者问希尔,他是否选用了vertu的礼宾服务。
- The reporter was curious where the vertu would tell him to go in manhattan .
- 记者很好奇手机能告诉自己曼哈顿有啥地方好去。
- In a corner of the restaurant jean georges shanghai over the weekend , mr. xu told guests , including conductor tan dun , that he is working with show co-sponsor vertu to incorporate the symbols into a texting system for the british company 's luxury mobile phones .
- 上周末在上海外滩一个法国餐厅jeangeorgesshanghai的角落里,徐冰对包括指挥家谭盾在内的多位来宾说,他正与沪申画廊联合赞助商、奢华手机制造商vertu合作,准备将这些图形整合到该公司手机的短信系统中。
- Casey gorman , the managing director for vertu in the americas , took a reporter for a tour of the less expensive model .
- vertu美洲区总经理戈尔曼(caseygorman)拽着一位记者去看一款比较便宜的手机。
- Nokia ended up trying a new brand , vertu , to entice consumers , but it was not very successful .
- 诺基亚最终尝试出产一款新的品牌vertu,欲借此吸引顾客,但结果并非十分成功。
游学英语飘一分钟英文少年维特的烦恼铁夫破词 第一季——破解单词,科学记忆经典英文电影台词