VoiceOver 基本解释
VoiceOver 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This shuffle still offers voiceover announcements of song information and still has its signature clip , making it popular for running or working out .
- 这款shuffle依然能够使用voiceover功能说出歌曲的信息,也保留其招牌式的卡夹,使其成为跑步或锻炼的热门用品。
- And getting track information or choosing a playlist is a much more complicated task using voiceover on the screen than it is using an inline remote .
- 而且使用屏幕上的voiceover来获取音轨信息或选择播放列表比使用内线遥控麻烦多了。
- However , as I 'll get to in a moment , you 'll need to purchase new headphones to take advantage of all the nano 's voiceover capabilities .
- 但是,你需要购买一副新的耳机才能体验到nano的voiceover功能的所有帮助,而我正要去买呢。
- These earbuds include an inline remote-control module that lets you adjust volume , toggle play / pause , skip or scan forward or back , and access some voiceover features .
- 这种耳麦含有内线远程控制模块,让你能够调整音量、播放/暂停、切歌或者快进快退,以及使用一些voiceover功能。
- In one scene as superman floats above the earth we hear his alien father in a voiceover .
- 在本片的一个场景中,超人悬浮在地球之上,观众听到他那位外星父亲的画外音。