

更新时间:2024-01-06 22:31:50作者:起步网校

vt. 使残废 速记技巧 词源记忆法 来自古法语mahaignier,伤害,使受伤,使残疾,来自PIE*mai,砍,切,词源同mangle,mayhem.进一步来自PIE*smi,砍,切,词源同smith. 知识扩展 词语辨析 injure wound hurt bruise maim sprain pull twist strain These words all mean to harm yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident. 以上各词主要指在事故中伤害、使受伤。 injure to harm yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident 尤指在事故中伤害、使受伤: He injured his knee playing hockey. 他打曲棍球时膝盖受了伤。 Three people were injured in the crash. 撞车事故中有三人受伤。 wound [often passive] ( rather formal ) to injure part of the body, especially by making a hole in the skin using a weapon 指使身体受伤,尤指用武器伤害: 50 people were seriously wounded in the attack. 这次袭击中有50人受重伤。 注释 Wound is often used to talk about people being hurt in war or in other attacks which affect a lot of people. wound常指在战争中或在波及许多人的其他袭击中受伤。 hurt to cause physical pain to sb/yourself; to injure sb/yourself 指(使)疼痛、受伤: Did you hurt yourself? 你伤着自己了吗? 用hurt还是injure? You can hurt or injure a part of the body in an accident. Hurt emphasizes the physical pain caused; injure emphasizes that the part of the body has been damaged in some way. 在事故中身体受伤可用hurt或injure,hurt强调引起的身体疼痛,injure强调身体部位受到某种程度的损伤。 bruise to make a blue, brown or purple mark (= a bruise) appear on the skin after sb has fallen or been hit; to develop a bruise 指摔伤、撞伤、(使)出现淤伤 maim ( rather formal ) to injure sb seriously, causing permanent damage to their body 指使残废、使受重伤 sprain to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, by suddenly bending it in an awkward way, causing pain and swelling 扭伤(踝、腕、膝) pull to damage a muscle, etc., by using too much force 拉伤,扭伤(肌肉等) twist to suddenly bend a part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, in an awkward way, causing an injury that involves pain and swelling 扭伤(踝、腕、膝) 用sprain还是twist? A sprain is an injury to your ankle, wrist or knee that c 精选例句 高考 1、 Automobile accidents maim many people each year. 汽车车祸每年使许多人残废。 来源:


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