欢迎您访问大学英语作文范文翻译:. equality of education opportunity!

大学英语作文范文翻译:. equality of education opportunity

更新时间:2021-04-25 00:26:35作者:网络

Equality of Education Opportunity With the development of the society, more attention has been paid to education. But the inequality of education opportunity has become a serious phenomenon recently .In my view, there are two reasons contributing to the phenomenon. Firstly, the unbalance of regional economy plays a great part in unfair opportunity to receiving education. Students living in large city usually have access to better teachers and studying conditions. The parents think more highly of academic education and are most willing to support their children’s education. However, students living in rural areas often drop out of school just after finishing middle school and go to work. Secondly, the admission scores of the same university vary between students from different provinces. For example, students in Beijing can be admitted to Qinghua University with lower scores. Education can change our life. So we must make great efforts to education revolution. On the one hand, ministry of education should spend more money to promote the education development in rural areas. On the other hand, we should change the college entrance examination system. I hope every student has an equal opportunity to receive education.



英语六级的翻译和写作一共可以拿到212分。 六级考试单项成绩有四个部分,这四个部分以及所占的分值比例为:听力占35%,阅读占35%,翻译和写作占30%。各单项报道分的满分为:听力249分

2021-04-25 08:28


1、一般来说,作为社会默认的标准和各学校自行规定的英语六级合格线都是425分。 自2005年6月全国英语四六级改革之后,四、六级考试成绩将采用满分为710分的计分体制,凡考试成绩

2021-04-25 07:46


六级大部分人的分数在400~450分之间,500分以上算高。 1、大学英语六级考试过线分数默认为425分。 2、大学英语六级考试满分为710分,版凡考试成绩在权220分以上的考生,由国家教

2021-04-25 06:52


真能包过吗 随着国家公务员考试、英语四六级、研究生考试时间的临近,大学校园随处可见各类“包过班”、“VIP协议班”、“冲刺班”的培训广告。广告上“协议包过,不过全额退

2021-04-25 05:12


1、英语四六级大一就可以报考; 2、英语四六级考试是教育部主管的一项全国性的英语考试,其目的是对大学生的实际英语能力进行客观、准确的测量,为大学英语教学提供测评服务; 3、

2021-04-25 04:19


英语六级考试分数与参加口语的资格无关。 英语六级口试不需要笔试过一定分数线才能报考,口试笔试分开考。 六级口语考试:完成当次六级笔试报考后方可报考六级口试,例如完成2017

2021-04-25 04:13
