英['blʌdsteɪnd] 美[ˈblʌdsteɪnd]
adj. 血污的,犯杀人罪的
bloodstained 基本解释
bloodstained 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- On the other hand bloodstained iraq still lacks the institutions and the habit of tolerance needed for its young democracy to work .
- 另一方面,遍布血腥的伊拉克依然缺乏使其年轻民主得以运转所必需的各种机构和宽容的习惯。
- A woman was hanging up bloodstained clothes left from her husband , who had been executed ......
- 一个女子正在晾晒她被处决的丈夫留下的血迹斑斑的衣物……
- The most bloodstained will be put on trial , but there is little talk of punishing people on the fringes of the old order .
- 那些双手沾满血腥的刽子手将接受审判,但是在政权过渡时期却没人讨论如何处罚处在旧秩序边缘的人物。
- He invited to libya for military training such bloodstained luminaries as liberia 's charles taylor and sierra leone 's rebel leader , foday sankoh .
- 他邀请那些满手血腥的杰出人物到利比亚训练军队,如利比里亚的查尔斯泰勒(charlestaylor)及塞拉利昂的叛军领导人桑可(fodaysankoh)。
- Video footage obtained by local tv channels following the attack showed a bloodstained bed in a room where bin laden was reportedly killed .
- 袭击结束后当地电视台获得的一段录像显示,在据报本拉登被击毙的那间屋子里,有一张血迹斑斑的床。