Daniela 基本解释
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- Daniela barrera , planning and research director at leo burnett italy , used to work in the uk .
- leoburnettitaly的规划与研究主管丹妮拉巴雷拉(danielabarrera)曾在英国工作过。
- The inspiration for the latter , according to perfumer daniela andrier , was the scent of a man who had used women 's soap .
- 调香师丹妮拉安德利亚(danielaandrier)表示,后者的灵感来自使用女士香皂的男士身上散发出的味道。
- The desk is a west elm " classic " with a vintage ward bennett pod chair purchased on ebay and covered in one of my favorite gaston y daniela fabrics .
- 桌子是westelm的经典款式,椅子是在ebay上买的,报上了我喜欢的gastonydaniela面料。
- In each case , the assets taken over by the bad bank were equal to about 8 % of gdp , according to a study by daniela klingebiel of the world bank .
- 世界银行danielaklingebiel的研究发现,在上述两个案例中,坏账银行收购的资产都大约达到了gdp的8%。
- Andrew elliot , professor of psychology , and daniela niesta , post-doctoral researcher , conducted five psychological experiments , and determined that the color red makes men feel more amorous toward women which makes women wearing red more appealing to date .
- 心理学教授andrewelliot和心理学博士后研究员danielaniesta,通过5项心理实验,证实红色可使男性对女性更热情,这也使着红装的女性在约会时更受欢迎。